The Rocketier
«The Rocketier» es el nuevo motorboat que hemos sacado. Este shortboard se caracteriza por tener poco rocker en el tail y poco cóncavo entre las quillas, lo que crea un rail de velocidad. El rocker del nose está curvado hacia arriba en las últimas 12″ para equilibrar el rocker del rail inferior y evitar que se clave. Sus medidas 6.0 / 20.5 / 2 1/2, está shapeada y glaseada por Walter Nieto de Zorlak surfboards.
El trabajo de ilustración ha sido a cargo de Pelucas, con pintura acrílica y aerosol.
Fotografía por Janite.
English version at the end of the post.
The Rocketier
«The Rocketier» is the new motorboat that we have launched.
The characteristics of this shortboard are that has a little rocker at the tail and a little concave between the fins which creates a rail of speed. The nose rocker is bent up more in the last 12″ and the concave is brought further forward and help with even faster out the gate takes ride.
Its measurements are 6.0 / 20.5 / 2 1/2. The shaping and glossing was done by Walter Nieto of Zorlak surfboards.
The graphic was done by Pelucas using acrylics and spray paint.
Photography by Janite.
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