Pintail 7.0 x 22 x 2 3/4
Acabamos de sacar del horno un nuevo «motorboat», se trata de un Pintail pero con la peculiaridad de llevar cuatro quillas en vez de solo una como se monta habitualmente.
Esta «shapeada» artesanalmente, como siempre, por Iron Mountain. No podemos dejar de comentaros el contraste entre su mal carácter y el cariño con que trata sus acabados.
El laminado, pigmentado y glaseado se ha encargado Walter Nieto de Zorlak surfboards.
Fotografía por Janite.
English version at the end of the post.
Pintail 7,0 x 22 x 2 3/4
We just take out from the oven a new «motorboat», this is a Pintail but with the added feature instead of working with single fin as it´s comom it has four fins.
Shaping art craft, as always, by Iron Mountain. We can´t let you know the contrast betwin his bad personality and how sweet is with his finishing touches.
Laminating, pigment and glazing has been in charged by Walter Nieto from Zorlak surfboards.
Photography by Janite.
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